Thursday, May 15, 2008

We have hops!

I decided I would try and grow some hops this year. I decided to try two varieties, centennial and cascade. I use a lot of centennial, so I thought that would be a good choice, and from what I read, cascades do well pretty much everywhere. I bought one rhizome of each from Midwest Homebrew Supplies, they arrived at the end of March. I put them in the fridge until I was ready to plant, which was on April 5. I got worried after 2 weeks with no sprouts, so I dug them up. There were buds on both, which meant patience on my part. No sweat. They both broke ground about May 7, the centennial with one bine and the cascade now with five. Check out the pics. The centennial is about 3 inches tall, the cascades are about 1 inch tall.
The Centennial
The Cascades

Hopefully I can get a few ounces of each this year. Cheers!

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